Manual trolleys for drums

Tilting trolley for drums of all types
Tilting trolley for drums of all types
Tilting trolley for standard oil drums made of metal
Tilting trolley for drums of all types
Tilting trolley for drums of all types
Trolley for gripping metal, plastic and cardboard drums at the top edge
Trolley for gripping plastic drums, with a removable cover and metal lid, at the top edge
trolley for clamping very heavy metal drums on the upper edge, ideal also for transport without lid
Trolley for gripping metal, plastic and cardboard drums at the top edge
Counterbalanced trolley for gripping metal, plastic and cardboard drums at the top edge
For drums of all types, with and without upper edge
Manually operated drum transporter trolley for metal, plastic and cardboard drums with a moveable clamp
For the occasional handling of drums of all types